Amanda Adkins

Amanda Adkins


Current Position: Business Executive
Affiliation: Republican
Candidate: 2023 US Representative for District 3

Amanda L. Adkins (born 1974/1975)[1] is an American politician and businesswoman who was the chair of the Kansas Republican Party from 2009 to 2013. She was the Republican nominee for Kansas’s 3rd congressional district in the 2020 election, and is running again in the 3rd district’s 2022 election.[2][3]The 3rd district takes up Johnson, Wyandotte, and a part of Miami County. In the 2022 election she will be running against incumbent congresswoman Sharice Davids.

Source: Wikipedia

OnAir Post: Amanda Adkins



Source: Campaign page

Amanda L. Adkins is a leader in business innovation, a mother, and healthcare champion. For the past 15 years, Adkins worked as an executive at Cerner Corporation, a global Kansas City based healthcare and information technology company.

As a mother, Amanda has lived through the complexity of the healthcare system while making decisions for her family. Professionally, she advises providers and employers across the United States on how to cut healthcare costs and improve health outcomes for individuals and families.

In the course of this work, she has been a leader for consideration of social determinants of health in communities (SDOH). A belief in the importance of SDOH was a major consideration when she founded Systems of Care Initiative (SOCI), a philanthropic organization dedicated to helping young children be healthy and ready for kindergarten and later success in life.
Adkins is the former chairwoman of the Kansas Republican Party, where she achieved unprecedented election success while serving two terms from 2009-2013. In this capacity, Adkins led a “Clean Sweep” in the 2010 election cycle winning all Federal and statewide races. The KS GOP also increased their majority in the Kansas Legislature gaining 16 seats during this time.

Her tenure in politics is marked by promotion of women in leadership positions. Adkins is co-founder of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Excellence in Public Service Series whose mission is to prepare Republican women to seek greater involvement in leadership, government and politics. This series, founded in 2005, is a part of the National Excellence in Public Service Series. Since its founding, the Eisenhower Series has graduated over 300 women leaders in the State of Kansas, including many who have gone on to serve their communities and country through public service.

Prior to her career with Cerner, Amanda served as Professional Staff on the US House Rules Committee and worked on commerce issues in the United States Senate. She was also the Political and Executive Director of GOPAC under the leadership of former Congressman David Dreier (R-CA) and later Governor Frank Keating (R-OK).

Amanda served on the Executive Committee of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce for 14 years. She also previously served on the Boards of The Salvation Army and The Entrepreneur Coalition.

Amanda graduated from the University of Kansas in 1998 and has lived in Overland Park, KS for over 20 years. She and her husband, Jason, have been married for 21 years and have two high school aged children.


Campaign Site, Twitter, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Instagram


Source: none


ADKINS, AMANDA has run in 1 race for public office, winning 0 of them. The candidate has raised a total of $2,177,768.

Source: Open Secrets

Voting Record

See: Vote Smart


Democracy & Governance

Economy & Jobs

Fiscal Responsibility
I am deeply concerned about out of control spending by Washington leaders. The federal budget continues to outspend what the government brings in – nearly $85,000 per American is owed to pay off the national debt. This is unsustainable. The government cannot continue to grossly outspend revenues and strap future generations of Americans with massive debt.

The federal government must be held accountable for passing a balanced budget. Congress has the responsibility to ensure policies and programs enacted today are accountable to future generations. I am committed to eliminating waste, fraud and abuse, and ensuring government programs achieve measurable outcomes.

We are jeopardizing the United States’ financial and national security and undermining our global strength by not controlling our spending. Lawmakers are putting future generations at risk by spending money our county simply does not have. I am committed to returning to the conservative principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

Protecting Our Children and Seniors from Debt

In February 2021, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected the federal deficit (the shortfall between what the federal government collects and what it spends in a particular year) would reach $2.3 trillion in 2021. This figure – the second largest since 1945 – was derived before the latest round of COVID relief was signed into law, costing the country another $1.9 trillion.

As of March 1, 2021, the U.S. Treasury calculated the federal government debt at over $28.0 trillion. This means as a country we have spent close to $30 trillion dollars that we simply do not have. Debt now currently exceeds the entire size of the economy ($21.5 trillion) and we are on an unsustainable path on which the national debt is project to be 202% of Gross Domestic Product by 2051.

Debt by Household– What does it mean to you?

In order to pay off the national debt, every household in the U.S. would owe $216,933 – that’s $84,834 for every person living in America. Can you imagine coming up with an extra $200,000 in your household’s budget to pay for government’s misuse?

In recent years, the government has been operating without a budget. How can we control spending when there is not a budget in place? Whether we are managing for ourselves or our families, if we ran our families or our businesses in this same manner, we would be in grave trouble.
The Impact to Seniors – Cuts to Medicare and Social Security

The deficit and debt amounts are huge. Perhaps so daunting that many Americans – including elected officials – are choosing to ignore other commitments including those made to our seniors. The pandemic has accelerated the rate at which major trust fund programs, including Medicare and Social Security, will run out of reserves. We risk not being about to meet our Social Security and Medicare commitment with so much federal debt.

I am committed to America’s seniors and will fight to protect Social Security and the commitments made to retiring Americans.

Federal Spending by Category
Source: The Catalyst from The Bush Institute (original source:
Let’s look at Federal spending by category.  Two of the highest areas of mandatory spending are important to our seniors – Social Security and Medicare.

Today, both are funded by Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) tax rates paid by and employers and you the employee. Historically, Social Security has run a surplus allowing the federal government to reinvest funds. However, with an aging population and increasing healthcare costs, it is projected that by the early-2030’s there will not be enough money to pay full Social Security benefits.

Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office predicts the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, which finances Medicare Part A, to become insolvent by 2024, meaning benefits to seniors would be cut by up to $1,000. Stated again, we will not have money in the trust fund to meet current Social Security commitments. In addition, rising spending on Medicare and Medicaid will contribute to an already large deficit, as both largely depend on federal revenue.

Where will this money come from? Left unchecked Sharice Davids and Joe Biden will choose to increase taxes on current and future generations, cut federal priorities including defense and national security spending, and they will not be accountable in reviewing other federal programs not achieving outcomes. Individuals and families in KS-03 deserve better.

The Risk to Future Generations

As we have seen in other countries like Greece, unrestrained debt results in inflation, high interest rates, low capital investments and the inability to invest in other priorities such as national defense, and infrastructure. This means future generations will experience lower incomes and a higher cost of living.

We cannot afford the policies of the Biden Administration that will further put the country into debt and increase dependency on the federal government. The Biden Administration used the pandemic recovery bill – The American Recovery Act – to pursue even greater expansion of Obamacare, which has little, if anything, to do with actual pandemic relief.

These provisions are projected to add an additional $34.2 billion to the deficit over the next two years. Included in this spending is a bailout of state governments in the midst of waste and fraud. The State of Kansas requested a bailout all while mismanaging unemployment insurance fund payouts to the tune of more than $600 million.

We owe it to the unborn generations and American seniors to get government spending in the right, responsible direction.

The Solution

Elected officials should be accountable for every dollar the government spends. A thorough analysis of all government programs is needed. We must analyze what is working and what is not. What can be done by the private sector should be privatized. What is better handled at local levels should become a state and local responsibility. Programs that are no longer serving needed and intended purposes should be cut altogether.

We must course correct now, slowly bringing much needed change to the spending policies that contributed to this national debt crisis.

Environment & Energy

America’s infrastructure is one of our greatest assets. The national and economic security of the United States depends on critical infrastructure that is reliable, efficient and meets the current and future needs of the country. Native Kansan, President Dwight D. Eisenhower understood the importance of strong infrastructure and led this nation in creating the pivotal Interstate Highway System. Today we must ensure we are maintaining the critical infrastructure system, while meeting the current and future needs of the country.

Health & Education

I have spent more than 15 years working in the healthcare industry and I find there is a simple truth – healthcare costs too much and is not making us healthier. The Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” experiment has only resulted in increasing the cost of care for the American people. The Biden Administration is committed to further expanding Obamacare, further jeopardizing your freedom of choice and raising healthcare costs for the nation.

I am committed to affordability, value and choice in healthcare. We have two great weaknesses that need to be addressed in our healthcare system: 1.) The way we finance the cost of our care and; 2.) The way we manage our health. Healthcare decisions should center on the needs of the individual and the family, be measured, and generate results.

Human Rights

Protecting Constitutional Freedoms and Our Community
I am a staunch supporter of our constitutional rights, and I will work to protect freedom at every turn. This includes strong support for the Second Amendment.

As a mother, I am also committed to creating a safe community for our children. Violence is often the result of many factors including a lack of economic opportunity, broken families, and various behavioral and mental health problems. I am committed to working with law enforcement to decrease violence in our communities. At the same time, we need to fully enforce existing gun laws but not add to them.

I come from a family of National Rifle Association (NRA) members and supporters. I believe there is a responsible way to protect our Constitutional rights while ensuring the safety of our community.

Recognizing the Value and Dignity of Life
As a pro-life advocate, I am committed to supporting life from conception until natural death. I celebrate the dignity and value of every citizen as informed by my strong faith and experiences as a mother.

I have dedicated my life to supporting the most vulnerable in our community starting with children. Based on the needs I encountered during my tenure as Chair of the State of Kansas Children’s Cabinet, I founded the Systems of Care Initiative (SOCI) – a non-profit organization that aligns business leaders with high-performance early learning organizations dedicated to improving the health and readiness of young children when they enter school. In all the work I do for at-risk kids and families, my vision is always to show our community that I seek to protect them in birth and will not abandon the child or parents thereafter.

In recent years, we have seen tremendous victories at various levels of government to reduce the number of abortions in our country. We must take it a step further and support our citizens across the full continuum of life.

Public Safety

Defending Against the Threat from China
Congress has not done enough to hold China accountable. China has made enormous investments to spur their own economic growth, increase military capabilities, and influence their position globally – all while seeking Communist control of their people and destruction of U.S. success.

As we most recently experienced in the COVID-19 crisis, and healthcare more broadly, America’s dependence on China is a threat Congress must address. We are far too reliant on China for our healthcare needs, particularly considering China has gone so far as to collect healthcare information from U.S. citizens. If this continues, over time China could know more about us than we know about ourselves. We must act now and take a strong stance against China and their efforts to undermine American success.

There are a range of things the United States can do to secure our position as a global power and decrease dependency on China, but we must recognize this will be a long-term endeavor that will require strategic moves and domestic investments.

Immigration & Border Security
It is the duty of elected officials to create an immigration system that protects the lives and jobs of U.S. citizens while addressing workforce and security needs of the country. Unfortunately our government has failed to secure our borders and Congress has been ineffective in addressing the immigration crisis. We now have a humanitarian crisis at the border that must be stopped.

I support building a border wall, increasing investments in technology and surveillance to help border agents, and de-funding sanctuary cities. In Congress, I will work to pass immigration reform that puts American security and prosperity first.

National Defense & Veterans Affairs
A strong national defense is imperative to our nation’s future. In Congress, I will work to ensure our military has the tools they need, year after year, to provide for the defense of our country. America’s military should be positioned to make long-term, strategic decisions to maintain defense superiority and deter threats from those who seek to do us harm.
We must operate from a position of strength, investing to preserve our defense superiority, continuing global engagement to maintain strong alliances and pursuing smart strategic partnerships that put U.S. workers and businesses on competitive footing.

Along with supporting our active duty military personnel, we must take care of the veterans who have served our country. I will work to ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs meets the needs of America’s veteran population, including improving access to healthcare and post-military career success. I am committed to serving those who have served us.

Advancing Strategic Partnerships and Addressing the Threat of China

This statement from one of our nation’s greatest leaders is as true today as it was when he said it more than 30 years ago. As the United States engages in global partnerships, it is imperative we pursue strategic relationships with other countries and allies that protect and advance the economic and national security of America.

When elected to Congress, I will be committed to building strategic partnerships that:

Advance the national economic interests of the U.S. – International business, trade, and the free market are all important. However, the U.S. must develop a national strategy to assess gaps and vulnerabilities related to our supply chain.
Promote Democracy and protect national sovereignty through military coordination – The U.S. must continue to pursue cooperative agreements that address our shared security needs.
Share U.S. values – Americansbelieve in freedom, democracy and the dignity and value of all people. We must prioritize working with partners who share these principles and shine a light on human rights abuses.
Ideology matters when it comes to how we think about strategic partnerships with other countries. We must seek trustworthy partners who have shared values and seek to complement U.S. endeavors, not compete with or destroy them. Our trade policy and national security are inevitably intertwined and we must view these in concert with each other.

Addressing the Threat of Communist China

The United States has been in a multi-decade power struggle with the People’s Republic of China and Congress has not done enough to hold them accountable. The pandemic made clear that we are too reliant on China. The U.S. must rethink how we build our plan for economic and national security and the types of partners we will prioritize to advance our shared interests.

In 2015, China launched Made in China 2025, a ten year campaign by which China seeks to control science, innovation, technology and the data necessary to lead the global economy. It is difficult to define an entity as a trustworthy partner when they seek to control every aspect of government, business and everyday experience of their citizens.

China has made enormous investments to spur their own economic growth, increase military capabilities, and influence their position globally. As we most recently experienced in the COVID-19 crisis, and healthcare more broadly, America’s dependence on China is a threat Congress must address. There are a range of things the United States can do to secure our position as a global power and decrease dependency on China, but we must recognize this will be a long-term endeavor that will require strategic moves and domestic investments.

Economic dependencies

America’s interdependence on China for medical supplies and other essential items gave China leverage during the pandemic and is a national security risk. Beyond the need for medical supplies, there are also dependencies on many components important to America’s defense industrial base. According to the U.S. House of Representatives China Task Force Report, “90 percent of the world’s semiconductors (chips) are produced outside of the U.S.” and China has a goal to produce 70 percent by 2025.

Congress has taken steps to decrease over reliance on China by advancing medical research and development (R&D) and manufacturing more medical supplies in the U.S. Congress now needs to turn and require that the Department of Defense develop a national strategy to assess gaps and vulnerabilities related to technological and other needs in our defense industrial base.

The U.S. must take seriously the threat posed by Made in China 2025. We need more targeted tax incentives to accelerate our own R&D and track percentage of product made in the U.S., and we need to ensure U.S. tax dollars are not used to support Chinese enterprises.

Healthcare violations

Made in China 2025, having prioritized state support for the biotech industry (1), also includes a central focus on the collection of genetic DNA or other healthcare data from around the globe

inclusive of the U.S. China is collecting healthcare information from United States citizens, and you should be worried. This means over time that China could know more about us than we know about ourselves.

National policy needs to take into consideration the protection of future generations as well as American national security. There is an answer here, and it is that YOU should own your healthcare data. Individuals should provide clear, express permission when their healthcare information is to be used for research, and it should legally be made clear where that data will be housed and who has access to it. Permissions are important, and when data is stolen America should pursue criminal prosecution.

Growing military presence

China’s goal to be the world’s superpower assumes regional dominance in the Indo-Pacific and relies upon advancements of the People’s Liberation Army. This has included unlawful military presence in disputed spaces including aggressive operations near Taiwan.

Since the mid 1940s and Chiang Kai-Shek’s move to Taiwan following the Chinese Communist Revolution, Taiwan has been in the middle of an unresolved power conflict. Taiwan has been an important partner to the U.S. since the late 1970s. Their transition to a stable democratic society based on the rule of law represents American values. In addition, the U.S. maintains significant economic interests as Taiwan is our ninth largest trading partner. Defending our relationship with Taiwan says to other partners in the Indo-Pacific region that we stand by our commitments.

National defense is the top priority of the Federal government. Congress should consider commitments to defense spending to counter China (5% growth YOY). As a budget hawk, we are going to have to identify where in the world American interests are prioritized – it must include the Indo-Pacific if the U.S. is going to compete with China. Part of this commitment includes helping Taiwan maintain their democracy and independence.

Defending America’s National Interests

There are a range of things the United States can do to secure our position as a global power and combat the threat from Communist China. It will take strong leaders who recognize this is a long-term endeavor that will require strategic moves and domestic investments. I am fully committed to advancing U.S. economic interests with partners who share our American values and protecting Democracy and national sovereignty through military coordination.

The Middle East and Israel as a Key Partner
When elected to Congress I will be committed to:

Protecting and strengthening the U.S. – Israeli relationship;
Working against terrorism in the region; and
Promoting lasting peace with the Palestinian people.

The strategic partnership between the United States and Israel is one I respect and intend to uphold when elected to office. The Holy Land of Israel holds significance, not only as a revered location for many faiths, but also as the only Democracy in the Middle East and the strongest ally of the United States in the region.

I was fortunate to grow up with a strong Catholic faith and am instilling those same beliefs in my own children. Because of its importance to many faiths, including my own, it is important the Holy Land of Israel remain a safe and welcoming environment for people of all faiths. Given the respect I have for Israel as a Holy Land, and as a strategic partner of the United States, I intend to be a strong voice for Israel when elected to Congress.

Protecting and Strengthening Our Relationship

As the main ally of the United States in the Middle East, the importance and relevancy of Israel cannot be overstated. Protecting and strengthening the relationship between our two countries is something I am committed to on multiple levels.

First, I applaud President Trump’s decision to relocate the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. After many years of leaders advocating for such a move, I was pleased to see the action finalized, cementing the integrity of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.

Secondly, Israel is a key component of America’s Middle East security framework. The U.S. and Israel must pursue cooperative agreements that address the security needs of both countries. As a part of that, the United States must remain committed to giving Israel a fair military advantage to defend itself, including fulfilling military aide commitments the U.S. made to Israel. It is imperative Israel remain the most state-of-the-art entity in the region and the U.S. continue to support such efforts.

And finally, I am committed to and encouraged by non-military cooperation between the U.S. and Israel. As a former healthcare executive, I am particularly interested in scientific and healthcare advancements that result from the partnership between our countries.

The recent events and reactions to the global COVID-19 pandemic show just how important it is for nations to come together to fight the world’s problems. Israeli innovation is making a unique contribution to improve the health and welfare of citizens around the world, including Americans. From pharmaceutical advancements, to biotech and therapeutic innovation, to digitizing healthcare, Israel is a leader in medical research and development.

As an elected official, I will be committed to cooperative programs in healthcare that utilize the U.S. – Israel relationship to improve the health and wellbeing of both countries. I am committed to reducing barriers to innovation and to promoting open trade agreements that allow for the exchange of intellectual capital, including scientific, agricultural and industrial advancements of all kinds.

Working Against Terrorism in the Region

The shared threat the U.S. and Israel face by Iran, and its pursuit of nuclear weapons, further elevates the importance of defending the U.S. relationship with Israel. Iran fuels regional instability in an effort to promote radical Islamic terrorism. Iran looks to threaten and destabilize the region by backing insurgents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Iran’s funding of Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as Hamas in Gaza is proving to be the most existential threat to Israel.

Terrorist organizations such as, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, pose a direct threat to American interests and Israeli security. Congress must make clear that Israel is in position to defend itself against all terrorist organizations. Furthermore, the U.S. must ensure tough enforcement of necessary sanctions to counter known terrorist threats and their inhuman practices.

When elected to Congress, I will support measures that exert necessary economic pressure on Iran, pressuring them to be a neighbor, not a threat in the region. I do not support President Biden’s stated plan of rejoining the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  Sanctions imposed against Iran in recent years have been effective in reducing threat.  According to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, sanctions resulted in slashing “Iran’s revenue by hundreds of billions of dollars since the U.S. pullout in 2018.”  I will also encourage normalized relations between other countries in the region – such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon – encouraging the Palestinians to come to the negotiating table, rather than turn towards terrorism.

Promoting Lasting Peace

From terrorist organizations to global movements like Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), Israel is under constant attack. Despite these attacks, Israel consistently demonstrates its desire to find resolution and lasting peace with the Palestinian people.

The United States can play a role in this by encouraging direct talks between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Cooperative, productive talks that lead to a two-state solution can only be achieved through nonviolent actions and direct bilateral talks – without the pressure of outside intervention.

America has an obligation to stand strong with our partner, Israel. Congress should promote policies that protect and strengthen the U.S. relationship with Israel. We must support Israel’s ability to defend itself and encourage peace and stability in the region. I am committed to policies that will help stabilize the Western Hemisphere and protect the relationship between the United States and Israel. When elected, I intend to be a voice for Israel and further the friendship between our two nations.

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Amanda Adkins (née Landes; born 1974/1975)[1] is an American politician and businesswoman who was the chairwoman of the Kansas Republican Party from 2009 to 2013. She was the Republican nominee for Kansas’s 3rd congressional district in both the 2020 election and 2022 election,[2][3] losing both times to Democratic incumbent Sharice Davids.


Amanda Landes, daughter of Bob and Leta (née Blessing) Landes,[4] earned a Bachelor of Science degree in human biology and anthropology from the University of Kansas in 1998.[5]


After graduating from the University of Kansas, Adkins was a legislative aide in the United States Senate for two years and a staffer on the United States House Committee on Rules. She later worked as the legislative director for Congressman David Dreier.[6] She then worked as the director of GOPAC, a Republican political action committee and 527 training organization.[7]

Adkins worked for the healthcare IT firm Cerner for 15 years. She took a leave of absence from her role as vice president for strategic growth in order to run for the U.S. House in 2020.[8] In January 2021, she left the company permanently.[9]


2020 U.S. House campaign

In the 2020 election, Adkins was a candidate for Kansas’s 3rd congressional district. She won the Republican primary election against four other candidates but was defeated by the incumbent Democrat, Sharice Davids, in the November general election.[10]

2022 U.S. House campaign

In April 2021, Adkins announced that she would again run as a Republican candidate for the district in the 2022 election.[11] She won the Republican primary election against John McCaughrean and lost to incumbent Democrat Davids on a rematch in the November general election.[12]

Personal life

Adkins and her husband, Jason, have two children. They live in Overland Park, Kansas.[13]


  1. ^ “Amanda Adkins Wins the Republican Primary in Kansas’ 3rd District”. KNSS. August 5, 2020. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
    “Amanda Adkins wins the Republican primary in Kansas’ 3rd District”. KNSS 98.7/1330. August 5, 2020. Retrieved August 9, 2020.
  2. ^ Scott, Dylan (August 3, 2020). “Kansas, of all places, is shaping up to be an important 2020 battleground”. Vox. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  3. ^ “Amanda Adkins kicks off run for Congress in Kansas”. AP News. September 10, 2019. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  4. ^ Obituary for Bob Landes, Accessed October 12, 2023.
  5. ^ “Your ballot explained”. Ballotready. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  6. ^ “Current Board of Governors”. The Eisenhower Series. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  7. ^ “Amanda Adkins of Overland Park enters race for Rep. Davids’ seat, setting up Republican primary”. Shawnee Mission Post. September 9, 2019. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  8. ^ Gilbert, Jackie (January 27, 2020). “Cerner VP of Strategic Growth goes on leave to focus on political campaign in Kansas”. FedHealthIT. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
  9. ^ Kevin Hardy (January 6, 2021). “After losing U.S. House race, Adkins will officially leave Kansas City’s Cerner Corp”. Kansas City Star. Retrieved May 27, 2021.
  10. ^ “Rep. Sharice Davids wins Kansas’ 3rd congressional district, defeating Amanda Adkins”. FOX 4 Kansas City. November 4, 2020.
  11. ^ “Ex-Kansas GOP Chair Adkins seeks rematch with Rep. Davids”. AP News. April 5, 2021. Retrieved April 7, 2021.
  12. ^ “Sharice Davids, Amanda Adkins to face off once again in Kansas 3rd District race”. FOX 4 Kansas City. August 2, 2022. Retrieved September 12, 2022.
  13. ^ Wankum, Leah (January 21, 2020). “In presentation to conservative group, GOP candidate Amanda Adkins says she wants to see debt down, more accountability in public spending”. Shawnee Mission Post. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
    “Five Republicans running for U.S. representative, 3rd District”. Wyandotte Daily. Retrieved August 5, 2020.
Party political offices
Preceded by

Chairperson of the Kansas Republican Party
Succeeded by


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